White Hat SEO Services


The White Hat SEO Services: Double Traffic on Websites and Increases Investment Return

Using Black Hat SEO services often breaks SEO rules. By just focusing on higher search rankings and not on human audience makes your website only transient and momentary. It'll not last for a long time nor will go better with long-term investment. Thus, if you want the other way around, optimise your website using White Hat SEO services and expect double traffic that improves your link's popularity aside from gaining significant organic traffic increase.

Furthermore, an optimised website can give you the best advantages that can last for a long time. Basically, you can only have these with the use of White Hat SEO Services that allows you to compete with all the other website owners. White Hat SEO services have 7 techniques to double traffic and increase your investment returns. As you go over them, try to make the effort as well to really foresee as to how you'll be able to apply them concretely in your website and obtain the aforementioned advantages and benefits.

7 White Hat SEO services Techniques to Double Traffic on Websites and Increases Investment Return

1. Mobile-First Approach

This is a double down on mobile technique. Meaning, pages on your website should have all the contents accessible to any of the user's device. For if it's not, then it may not rank as highly in the search results. Or, better yet, if you don't have a mobile-friendly page, then you'll remain to be just as always in the SERPs. Using White Hat SEO services and trying to meet the criteria that advance your website into a mobile user-friendly can surely make Google happy to rank you up. To see if your website is mobile-friendly, go to your Search Console account and view your Mobile Usability Report.

On the other hand, you can make 'instant loading' possible for mobile devices that also relies on AMP HTML. All you need to do is open tabs on Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). This has true real benefits on mobile devices.

2. Claim Your Business Listings

Claim your business listing through mobile search and local search. These searches are inseparable and cannot be mixed up. Say for instance, for The Mobile Playbook alone, 20% of the total searches contain local intent while for smartphone users, 94% have the searches for information on location. Whereas, those that visit the store, it has 51% total searches, 29% for those that made a purchase, etc. All these would only mean that you should have complete and accurate data on all your business listings and claim this all by going to your Google My Business profile.

3. Primary Focus on (UX) User Experience

Provide a good user experience at all times. As always, Google encourages webmasters to give a primary focus on reviewing their user experience. Giving your users a good experience is much better than just writing a plain clean code. This is because UX improves customer satisfaction through the ease of usage, the easiest utilities and the flexible interaction it brings. By that, gaining loyalty from users becomes not difficult at all but very spontaneous.

To integrate all these best practices for user experience only takes a few simple steps. To start with, you'll be needing some experiments. Then, use the different templates and advice you can find on the web to give you a good A/B testing. Wherein it can give you a web page construction just the way how the pros do it. Finally, run these tests and experiments to determine what is UX that is working. And that'll work bests for you.

4. Improve Keyword Research

The new generation of keywords is very important for Google to put things into context rather than just relying upon metadata and or strings. This is so because Google does not provide the keywords at all times. Thus, these two largest SEO tool providers, The Moz and Ahrefs, by which Keywords are developed and improve. And, filling up the gaps and what is void that's missing in the overall contexts.

What's more? White Hat SEO services have this RankBrain for you. It's a machine learning that also allows Google to put things into context. Aforementioned, it's Google's better way of improving Keyword search than just relying on metadata or strings. But why Google is able to put this into context with RankBrain? The answer is because Google understands very well nuances languages such as stemming, answers and synonyms.

To sum up, improving your Keyword research is very important. And Google is there to help you out with all these kinds of stuff. Much more with the White Hat SEO services techniques that have all the key services to improve your Keyword Search. Then as you move ahead, improve more your website as well, by creating Parent Topics and Keyword Groups. With these, you can pretty well ensure that users can easily develop content and can incorporate these contents into relevant phrases. By doing so, you'll end up not tempted to stuff every variation of your Keyword phrases in your page. But, will be very smart in improving your Keyword Search by using White Hat SEO services.

5. Take the Lead in Your Content Marketing Plan

With an effective content marketing, you can be better than your competitors. This would mean, creating useful content. That goes right in finding the right audience and finally reaching that audience that has been found. The formula on how to make this happen is that simple and are simplified this way:

Useful Content X Inspired Content X Enjoyable Content = Innovative Contents

Given the above formula, it's summing up into one conclusion, that conversational search queries have a very great impact and will garner double and even triple traffic. Therefore, White Hat SEO services recommend creating a content marketing plan that involves innovative content. One that is conversational and includes voice searches. And one that's growing as the fastest nowadays with 55% of the teens, that's using voice search daily. And 41% of adults that are using the same voice searches, can be sum up into a more or less 100% of the total population of searchers. These, certainly, will make you take the lead from all your competitors.

6. Use Schema to Enhance Your Website

Rich Snippets are commonly supported by Schema. And these rich snippets are helpful to users making all search results stand out from among the others. Also, your Microdata can improve in its click-through rates through the use of this Schema. Furthermore, these White Hat SEO services are collections of different HTML tags. And can be found at Schema.org that can be added to a Web page. Purposely, these tags can enhance descriptions that are created which appear in the search results and are commonly known as Rich Snippets. It is for creating Rich Snippets for your Organisations, Music, Events, Products, and People. As well as for Review Ratings, Recipes, and Videos. Finally, get it right with your website. Enhance it better to double traffic and increase your investment return by using Schema.

7. Link Building Technique

These are the kind of links that have relevance to your site. And one of the top factors that you can't afford to ignore. Well, these are not just a matter of links after all. The key point is, this is a technique of getting the right kinds of links that are relevant to your site and are truly earned. And your question might be, how am I going to be earning these links?

Firstly, earning relevant links can be built through a resource centre. When you have this centre, then you're almost there ready to work on any kind of website. Then, you'll start building trust and authority as well. And will, eventually, be able to manage thousands or even more ranking signals. By this, certainly, you'll gain significant increases in organic traffic. For these all to pursue, there is just but one thing to remember. And that is, build links and get the right links to build.

All in all, the bottom line of the White Hat SEO services is optimising your website. That way, there is an optimum assurance to double traffic and increase your investment returns. Then to pursue is not that difficult at all. As long as you have these White Hat SEO services techniques that focus on human audience and are always within the rules and policies of search engines. Hence, instead of using Black Hat SEO services, choose to use White Hat SEO for better long-term investment in your search engine optimisation effort.

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